Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

A New Day

A New Day

I long for a new day...
A day that I would wake up and find you back in my arms

I long for a new day...
A day when I would hear your laughter and see your smile

I long for a new day...
A day were the tears and sadness of missing you would disapper

I have a new day...
A day to see God's blessings and beauty

I have a new day...
A day to experience God's faithfulness and peace

I have a new day...
A day to be thankful for your life and all that you taught me

Each day is a gift. Thank you God for this new day!

Happy Second Birthday, Rylan Elizabeth! I love you! You are in my heart forever.


About Me

We love deeper and cherish each day given to us because of our trials and joys in this journey of life.